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1. About Ernst & Young
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
"EY" refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited ("EYG"), each of which is a separate legal entity. EYG, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. "Our" and "Us" shall be construed accordingly.
The EY network is divided into four areas: Americas, EMEIA, Asia Pacific and Japan.
The member firms of EYG operating in North, Central and South America, as well as Ernst & Young (Israel) Ltd. (the "Americas Area Firms"), are separate and independent legal entities that are, directly or indirectly, members of Ernst & Young Americas LLC.
Ernst & Young Americas LLC is a Delaware limited liability company that coordinates the activities of the Americas Area Firms. It does not provide professional services to clients and does not participate in client engagements. Although Ernst & Young LLC oversees implementation of EYG policies at Americas Area Firms and facilitates their cooperation, it does not control or manage, or have any ownership interest in, any Americas Area Firm. Ernst & Young Americas LLC is not the agent of any Americas Area Firm, nor does it have any authority to represent or bind any thereof. No Americas Area Firm is the agent of Ernst & Young Americas LLC, nor may any of them represent or bind Ernst & Young Americas LLC in any way.
The member firms of EYG that operate in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa (the "EMEIA Firms") are separate and independent legal entities and are, directly or indirectly, members of Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited.
Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited is an English company limited by guarantee and is the principal governance entity in EMEIA for the EMEIA Firms. Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited does not carry on any trade or other activities with a view to profit and it is prohibited by its constitution from providing professional services. Accordingly, it does not participate in client engagements. Furthermore, although it facilitates the coordination of these firms and cooperation between them, Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited does not control or manage or have any ownership interest in any EMEIA Firm. Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited does not act as agent for or have any authority to represent or bind any EMEIA Firm and no EMEIA Firm acts as agent for or has any authority to represent or bind Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited.
Ernst & Young Europe LLP is an English limited liability partnership, a member of EYG and Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited and the parent entity of certain EMEIA Firms in Europe. Ernst & Young Europe LLP does not provide professional services or participate in client engagements. Although it is the parent entity of certain EMEIA Firms, Ernst & Young Europe LLP does not act as agent for or have any authority to represent or bind any EMEIA Firm or Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited, and neither Ernst & Young EMEIA Limited nor any EMEIA Firm acts as agent for or has any authority to represent or bind Ernst & Young Europe LLP.
The member firms of EYG that operate in Asia-Pacific (the "Asia-Pacific Firms") are separate and independent legal entities and are, or will be, directly or indirectly, members of Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited.
Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited is a Hong Kong company limited by guarantee and is the principal governance entity in Asia-Pacific for the Asia-Pacific Firms. Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited does not carry on any trade or other activities with a view to profit and it is prohibited by its constitution from providing professional services. Accordingly, it does not participate in client engagements. Furthermore, although it facilitates the coordination of these firms and cooperation between them, Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited does not control or manage or have any ownership interest in any Asia-Pacific Firm. Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited does not act as agent for or have any authority to represent or bind any Asia-Pacific Firm, and no Asia-Pacific Firm acts as agent for or has any authority to represent or bind Ernst & Young Asia-Pacific Limited.
The member firms of EYG that operate in Japan are separate and independent legal entities. There is no area governance entity in Japan.
2. Our website
"Website" the website at Alumni Portal and its sub-domains, or such other addresses as may apply from time to time. The Website is hosted on behalf of EY by a third party vendor, Insala Ltd, a limited liability company registered under English Law with its registered office at 60 Borough High Street, London SE1 1XF, England. EY intends for the Website to complement the services that EY provides.
3. Linking and copyright
The following web link activities are explicitly prohibited by EY and may constitute trademark and copyright infringement: links to any pages of the Website, unless otherwise expressly agreed by Us; links that involve unauthorized use of our logo; and framing or metatags.
Copyright Notice
Except where noted otherwise, or where material is clearly provided on the Website by a third party, all material on the Website is Copyright © 2013 EYGM Limited or Copyright © 2013 to the relevant EY member firm(s). All rights reserved. No part of the materials on this Website, including but not limited to the text, graphics and html code, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means without the prior written permission of the relevant copyright owner.
EYGM Limited is a limited liability company registered in the Bahamas and is a member firm of EYG. EYGM is a central coordinating entity and does not provide services to clients.
"EY" and the stylised EY symbol are registered or the subject of pending applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office and with other trademark offices around the world.